Diocesan Newsletter

February 2022

  • Letter from Bishop Michael

    This newsletter contains a lot of happenings around the Diocese and this year we especially would like this newsletter to be a great forum for all the events in the Diocese.

  • First Day at Catherine McAuley College

    The start of the 2022 school year on Monday 7 February was an historic occasion as the foundation students at Mackay’s newest Catholic secondary school stepped through the doors of Catherine McAuley College for the first time.

  • Heritage Listed Sugar Research Institute becomes Mackay’s newest Secondary College.

    The beginning of this year saw the culmination of a dream by the Catholic Education of Rockhampton.  111 Year 7 students began their secondary education at Catherine McAuley College.  This was more than the o

  • Parish News


    Capricorn Coast


  • In Memoriam: Sr Helen Diamond RSM

    In Loving Memory of Sr Helen Diamond RSM

  • St Ursula’s College welcomes new students and teachers

    St Ursula’s College, Yeppoon, welcomes over 100 new families and 8 new teachers in 2022.

  • Reflection on Love in Marriage, Amoris Laetitia.

    This month, Josh and Anna Ariens, continue the reflections on Pope Francis’ Letter on Love in Marriage.

  • TCC Delivers

    Staff from The Cathedral College, Rockhampton completed a 900km return road trip to Alpha rounding up Boarders from across the Central West, Central Highlands and Coalfields to distribute laptops and textbooks ahead of online learning last month. 

  • Catholic Education Opening School Year Mass

    This year’s Catholic Education Opening School Year Mass was held at St Joseph’s Cathedral Rockhampton on Friday 28 January and was livestreamed across the Diocese.

  • In Loving Memory

    We hold up in prayer our loved ones who have passed.

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