The information contained in this website is provided by the Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton and is for general information purposes only. We make no claim as to representing the official beliefs or positions of the Roman Catholic faith or the Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton. In the event that such positions are presented here they will be marked with an Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat (church standards which proclaim that a document is free from doctrinal error). If such standards do not appear, they should not be considered the official, public record, or legally binding views of the Roman Catholic Church or the Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton.
For statements or press releases on Church or diocesan views contact the Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton on 07 4887 3070 or by email – enquiries@rok.catholic.net.au.
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While the Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton strives to link to sites of an appropriate nature, the Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton cannot accept responsibility or liability for the content of sites located outside http://www.rok.catholic.net.au and the inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorsement of the views expressed within them.