The Diocese ensures the safety and wellbeing of employees and volunteers, and facilitates the ongoing compliance by the Diocese and all employees with relevant internal policies and federal and state legislation.

The Human Resources Manager is responsible for:

  • The formulation, development and maintenance of an industrial framework across the Diocese of Rockhampton to meet legislative obligations and workplace needs.
  • The provision of advice to administrators in the Diocese (excluding those within Catholic Education and CentacareCQ) on:
    – performance management
    – employment practices
    – legislative compliance
    – Diocesan policy compliance
    – appropriate policies and procedures for individual Diocesan agencies
    – workforce analysis and planning, including job analysis, design and evaluation.
  • The regular review of Diocesan employment and volunteer policies and procedures and recommend changes as necessary to the Diocesan Financial Administrator
  • To review, recommend changes to, and/or develop Position Descriptions when requested by the Bishop, Diocesan Financial Administrator, or Parish Administrators
  • Maintain and adhere to an appropriate retention policy for personnel records
  • Ensure compliance with all relevant policy and legislative requirements, such as Occupational Health and Safety, and Equal Employment Opportunity responsibilities
  • Ensure the confidentiality of personnel records, information and negotiations at all times
  • Provide advice to Diocesan personnel on the effect of Diocesan policies and procedures and legislation
  • Continuously educate all Diocesan personnel on current employment policies, procedures, and legislation
  • Liaise with the Diocesan Financial Administrator on potential budget implications of employment changes
  • Maintain and ensure compliance to appropriate recruitment, induction and termination procedures for personnel

The Diocese expects volunteers in any form to be treated with the same respect and given the same protections as employees.


Ms Holly Tucker
Human Resources Manager
07 4887 3090 170 William Street
PO Box 611
Rockhampton Q 4700