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Finch Hatton

Administration Office

Postal Address

PO Box 5, Finch Hatton Qld 4756

07 4954 3242


Parish Secretary: Jean-May Wright


Administrator: Fr Gasper Peruvelil


Cluster Parishes

Churches in the Parish

St Francis de Sales Finch Hatton


Street Address
8 Zahmel Street, Finch Hatton Qld 4756

Mass Times

1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays:
7.00am Mass

Parish Overview

St Francis de Sales Church, Finch Hatton was consecrated on 4 August 1972 by Bishop Francis Rush who later became the Archbishop of Brisbane. Father W Kennedy was the Parish Priest at the time. The first church at Finch Hatton was consecrated by Bishop Shiel in 1915 and is now used as a Parish Hall.