The Catholic Church relies on the generosity of people to support its work and mission, and we would not have achieved so much without the support of all the generous people who have, and continue to support us.

You can donate in various ways – to the Diocese in general, to continue our works, to our agencies, parishes and mission work, or to a specific cause or appeal which is run.

Some of the specific appeals you can donate to include:

  • Clergy Support Foundation Appeal – support our sick and retired clergy
  • St Joseph’s Cathedral Conservation Appeal – to support the upkeep of our magnificent heritage listed Cathedral
  • Diocesan Ministry Appeal – Woorabinda, Western Pastoral, Stella Maris Seafarers’ & Catholic Prison Ministries
  • Holy Spirit Seminary Appeal – support our future priests

Appeal envelopes can typically be found in your local church when the appeals are run, but donations can be made at any time through the Diocesan website or Office.

The ways you can donate include:

  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Credit card
  • Direct Debit
  • Electronic transfer
  • Bequest in your will

You can find further information on leaving a gift in your Will and the Society of St Joseph’s Bequest program by clicking here.

Please contact the Community Engagement Office to discuss the most appropriate method to donate, for correct details so your donation is used in the way you intended, or to discuss any other donations: 07 4887 3090 or

Your support is greatly appreciated and helps continue the mission of Jesus Christ both within and beyond the borders of the Rockhampton Diocese.

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