Catholic Prison Ministry is the Diocesan response to Jesus’ call to minister to those in prison (Matt 25:36).

Catholic Prison Chaplains are part of an ecumenical team at the Capricornia Correctional Centre. The team provides pastoral care to over 1020 inmates in the Centre daily. Up to four ecumenical Sunday services are provided on a rotational basis by the team. An annual in-service weekend is run for the continuing development and support of all Queensland chaplains.

The Catholic Prison Ministry in this Diocese commenced more than two decades ago. In addition to their normal team responsibilities Catholic Chaplains may provide or arrange the following services:

  • Pastoral support for the families of inmates
  • Communion for Catholic inmates
  • Catholic religious material upon request
  • Priest for reconciliation upon request
  • Support for Bible study through offered courses.

When a vacancy for a Catholic Prison Chaplain occurs, applicants must address the following criteria:

  • Committed Catholic Christian
  • Openness to Multi-Faith environment
  • Understanding of Catholic Church teachings, liturgy, theology and Sacred Scripture
  • Qualification and /or experience in Pastoral Care
  • Engage in sustaining their mission via regular theological reflection on their pastoral encounters and attend regular supervision
  • Adopt self-care strategies
  • Open to working both within an ecumenical team environment and alone, even at times in isolation
  • Confident in engaging with a Correction system that can be authoritarian and punitive
  • Prepared to exercise discretion and keep confidences
  • No criminal record


Prison Ministry
Chris Delany
07 4887 3070 PO Box 611
170 William Street
Rockhampton Qld 4700