Adult Education Opportunities

Adult Education Opportunities
These organisations offer structured courses related to the Catholic faith with varying levels of commitment and very little prior knowledge required. If you want to learn more about the Catholic faith and are looking for something more substantial than a single article or video, then please check out the resources below.
Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation
The Diocese of Rockhampton has a partnership with the University of Dayton Ohio’s Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF). VLCFF offers short courses (3-5 weeks) that are designed to meet the needs of adult Catholics in learning about their faith and their active role in the Church. Each course requires 5 – 7 hours per week of reading and interacting with other participants and the facilitator on the online platform. The courses have a small fee however the Diocese of Rockhampton will reimburse members of our diocese the full amount upon successful completion of your course.
To sign up you will need to create a profile (unless you already have one), and then register for the course of your choice by clicking on ‘Course Schedule’. There are courses for everyone, whether you are new to the Church, just want to update your learning, or are already in active ministry within a parish.
VLCFF Website
If you have any questions about VLCFF or would like to claim your reimbursement for a course please send your enquiries to:
Parousia Academy
Parousia Academy is an Australian-based online formation resource with a mixture of local and overseas courses. Rent or purchase individual courses or complete 12 courses to obtain a Certificate of Mission.
Parousia Academy
Thomistic Institute
The Thomistic Institute exists to promote Catholic truth in our contemporary world and strengthen the intellectual foundation of Christians, primarily through the thought of St Thomas Aquinas. The Thomistic Institute livestream lectures and also host a free online course called ‘Aquinas 101’. You can subscribe to the course to receive a weekly email containing a short video, podcast episode and article about St Thomas Aquinas or you can simply browse the videos at your own pace.
Thomistic Institute
St Paul Center
The St Paul Center hosts a number of resources based on the studies of well known Catholic scripture scholar Scott Hahn. They offer a number of Catholic scripture study courses including some free courses.
St Paul Center