Diocesan Newsletter

August 2024

  • Bishop Michael’s Letter

    The August e-newsletter records another month in the life of the diocese.

  • We Remember Sr Brenda Moss rsm

    On Friday 2 August 2024 many gathered to honour the faith-filled and courageous life of Sister Brenda Moss who died after a very short illness in the Fitzroy Community Hospice on 24 July 2024.

  • Priest’s Retreat and Celebration

    Clergy Retreat
    At their annual retreat from the 29 July – 2 August , Bishop Michael and the priests from across the Diocese gathered to spend time in prayer and reflection and enjoying each other’s company.Â

  • Parish News


    Capricorn Coast

    Central West




  • Centenary Celebrations at St John’s Walkerston

    St. John’s Catholic Primary School, Walkerston celebrated a significant occasion last month, marking 100 years since the school opened.

    Celebrations commenced with a Centenary Mass on Friday (19 July) follow

  • Centenary Celebrations at St Mary’s Mackay

    St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Mackay also marked its centenary recently, with a series of memorable celebrations that brought together past and present members of the school community.

    The festivities

  • A Call for Peace: Embracing Truth and Peace in a Violent World

    In 1963, Pope St. John XXIII issued the profound Encyclical Letter Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth), appealing to the global community for an end to war and the elimination of nuclear weapons. This call was roo

  • From the Diocesan Pastoral Council

    On the evening of Tuesday 4 June 2024 at 5pm, the DPC held a meeting via ZOOM.  It is hoped that the following summary will communicate to the diocese some of the issues discussed at the meeting.

  • Blessing and Opening of Presentation Place

    On Thursday 25 July, Bishop Michael McCarthy officially blessed and opened St Ursula’s new I Block building, Presentation Place, and its adjoining courtyard, Cove Lane.

  • In Loving Memory

    We remember in prayer our loved ones who have died.

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