Bishop Michael’s Letter
Our electronic newsletter collects the events from around the diocese. During the past month I have travelled to many parts of the diocese and enjoyed celebrating the sacrament of Confirmation with many of our young people.
Our electronic newsletter collects the events from around the diocese. During the past month I have travelled to many parts of the diocese and enjoyed celebrating the sacrament of Confirmation with many of our young people.
The Diocesan Pastoral Plan, which was launched at the Diocesan Festival recently, comes after many years of listening, discerning, reading and writing.
The new Diocesan Pastoral Plan was launched on Friday 26th and Saturday 27th May at an engaging festival that brought together priests, religious brothers and sisters, lay people, and many others from agencies, schools and parishes across our diocese.
With praise and profound gratitude to Almighty God, the Syro- Malabar Eparchy of St. Thomas the Apostle, Melbourne, joyfully witnessed the Episcopal Ordination and Solemn Installation of Rev. John Panamthottathil, CMI.
We received a text message on a Sunday 7th of May regarding a vessel which was leaving Australia with insufficient food for the crew.
Bishop Michael joined with members of the Diocesan Catholic Women’s League (CWL) to celebrate their 64th Annual AGM/Conference in Mackay on 3rd June, 2023.
The Blessing and Opening ceremony at St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School in Gladstone recently was a great indication of continued support from families choosing a Catholic education for their children.
Recently conducted parent engagement workshops facilitated by international education expert, Professor Janet Goodall, have been hailed a resounding success.
On the Feast of Pentecost 20 young people were welcomed fully into the Church receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist before family, friends and the faith communities of The Cathedral College and St Joseph’s Cathedral.