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Sacramental Celebration for young people

19 June, 2023

On the Feast of Pentecost 20 young people were welcomed fully into the Church receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist before family, friends and the faith communities of The Cathedral College and St Joseph’s Cathedral.

Robed in red, Bishop Michael poured warm blessed water over five young people baptising them in a pool near the Baptismal Font evoking a rush of joy felt by the whole congregation.

Sponsored by a special family member, friend, teacher or older student who bore witness to their faith, all young people were then confirmed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

With the help of Parish priest, Fr Peter Tonti, they received their first Holy Communion in both the Body and Blood of Christ from individually prepared chalices.

Echoing the start of this special friendship with Jesus Christ and the generous overflow of Sacramental graces was the uplifting music that filled the Cathedral played by the College’s Music Ministry.  Made up of singers and musicians the group practices for the TCC Parish Masses held throughout term.

Deputy Principal: Mission Mrs Claire Stitt said the Sacraments Mass was a special event that affirmed the faith of all present.

“In the presence of the Holy Spirit, it was truly uplifting for us all. We pray for all these young people as they continue their journey in faith,” she said.