Diocesan Newsletter

December 2022

  • Bishop Michael’s Letter

    As this is written I am in the Holy Land with a group of people from across the Diocese on the Diocesan Advent Pilgrimage.  It is such a special opportunity to be walking in the places of the birth of Jesus as we are almost at Christmas and readying to celebrate the birth of our Saviour. 

  • Bishop’s Christmas Message

    Bishop Michael has written a Christmas message to the people of the Diocese for 2022.

  • Fr Francois – First Year of Priestly Service

    Time flies like a blink of an eye, especially when we find joy in doing what we are doing. It has been a year already since my priestly ordination. A year full of joy and excitement, a year of great learning and personal growth.

  • Parish News


    Capricorn Coast





  • In Loving Memory

    We remember in prayer those who have entered the fullness of eternal life in the past month.

  • Introducing Graeme Burow

    Earlier this month, we welcomed a new member to the Diocesan Staff – that group of people who in various ways assist Bishop Michael in his service of the diocese.  Graeme Burow has taken up the appointment of Community Engagement Manager. 

  • Our Ocean Home

    Mary Anne Baillie is a parishioner of St. Patrick’s parish, Mackay and has a keen interest in the implementation of the encyclical, Laudato Si. On November 28th -30th she participated in an online conference called “Our Ocean Home,” hosted by the Australian Catholic University and the Vatican department for promoting Human development.

  • Students from St Peter’s School visit Bethany

    Simple homemade gifts, Christmas carols and the sounds of children’s voices filled the Recreation Room at Bethany Residential Aged Care recently as the Year 4 students from St Peter’s Catholic Primary School in Rockhampton took time to visit residents and spread some Christmas cheer. 

  • 2023 Clergy Appointments

    Bishop Michael has made the changes to the Clergy appointments for 2023.

  • Decree Restoring the Sunday Obligation

    Bishop Michael has decreed that the obligation for all the baptised to attend Sunday Mass is being restored from Christmas Day 2022.

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