News from Bundaberg
14 September, 2022Relay for Life
The Relay for Life walk was held on Saturday, 13th August, from 1.00pm-10.00pm at the Bundaberg Recreational Precinct. Our team of walkers did us proud. The day was overcast and cool, but this didn’t deter their commitment to keep the banner going for the duration of the Relay. The theme of this year’s Relay was “Australiana”. The team did such a fine job of decorating their tent in snippets of the Australian bush – gum leaves, grevilia flowers, campfire and billy, flags, and animals – that they brought home “The Spirit of Relay Award”! Together with the luncheon held at the end of July and the raffle at the Relay, the parish raised $7690 for the Queensland Cancer Council. Thank you to all those involved.
Happy Birthday Fr Peter!
Milestones are meant to be celebrated and on Tuesday, 23rd August, the parish Team arranged a surprise 70th birthday party for Fr Peter at the Sandhills Bowls Club, Bargara. Peter was dutifully surprised and appreciative of our efforts, with the highlight being the attendance of some family members from Melbourne, friends from Sarina and Fr Andrew Chase, his seminary compatriot. The theme of the night was very much Geelong Cats AFL football.
Amazing Grace
This was the performance title of a sing-along concert arranged by Suellen Cusack-Greensill, held in St Patrick’s church on Sunday morning, 28th August, to showcase the new Clavis 224 organ. The organ was bought last year from money donated by the Order of the Eastern Star Bundaberg Hall Committee in memory of St Mary’s church. Favourite hymns were led and sung by Suellen accompanied by Julie McGuinness on the organ, and Bernadette Connolly and Kate Hardesty on the viola and violin.
Dedication of St Patrick’s Garden
Following the concert we moved outside to enjoy a complimentary coffee from the coffee van before the dedication ceremony of the front garden at St Patrick’s church began. Over the past year the gardens have been upgraded and remodeled to give the front entrance to St Patrick’s a fresh look. A garden seat has been dedicated to Mr Frank Pippia and his family in appreciation for Frank’s tireless voluntary maintenance of the church and school grounds for more than 40 years.
Ministry Training and Formation
Fr Peter and Anne Sheehan led the annual formation sessions for Ministers of the Word and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion in the last weeks of August. These are seen as necessary components of ministry for these most highly visible and valuable ministries of the Eucharist. We learn something new or have something reinforced each time we attend these sessions.
We have much to be thankful for in this parish.