Letter from Bishop Michael
09 March, 2022Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Welcome once again to our electronic newsletter of the events of our Diocese.
Recently I attended the ordination of Bishop Tim Norton SVD as Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane. Bishop Tim is well known to us in this Diocese and so are many of his confreres. At present we have two SVD Fathers working in our Diocese, Fr Truc and Fr Francois, who are based in the Central Highlands area. The SVD Fathers have been very much a part of this Diocese since I began in the Diocese in 2014. We welcome Bishop Tim to our Queensland Province.
During March I will commence my Episcopal duties with the Queensland Bishops meeting followed by the pastoral visitation to the Bundaberg Parish. On the 19th March we celebrate the patronal feast of our Diocese – The Feast of St Joseph. We ask St Joseph to keep our Diocese in his care.
Later in the month, I invite you to join with me at the Chrism Mass on Thursday 31st March 2022 at 10.00am at St Joseph’s Cathedral. It is always a great opportunity for the Diocesan family to gather as we bless the Oil of the Sick, the Oil of Baptism and consecrate the Oil of Chrism. These oils are used in the pastoral ministry of our priests in the Diocese and in their Sacramental work.
With blessings