News from Clermont
09 March, 2022
Because of the restrictions with regard to gatherings, the ceremony around receiving the leadership badges had to be curtailed. The school captains with the Principal Mrs Sheila Challacombe and the APRE Mrs Hannah Charles attended the parish Mass where the school badges were blessed by Father Jomon, presented to the school captains who then carried them to MacKillop Place where the Year 6 class was assembled. After a prayerful Liturgy each school leader was presented with their leadership badge.
Shrove Tuesday was celebrated in style with home-made pancakes for breakfast. The teachers were kept busy keeping up with the demand. Money raised from Pancake Breakfast went to Caritas.
Ash Wednesday found Mrs Charles, Sister Helen and Perri Humpreys who is our Student Ministry Leader, visiting the classrooms to celebrate the beginning of Lent. During the liturgy the children were marked with the ashes which was blessed at the parish Mass.