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Blessing and Opening of New Administration Building at TCC

13 September, 2022
Opening and Blessing of the new Administration Building at The Cathedral College: Ulaani Bellette (Year 11), Bishop Michael McCarthy, Mr Rob Alexander (Principal), Timothy Connors (Year 11), Miss Leesa Jeffcoat (Director Catholic Education, Diocese of Rockhampton).

On Tuesday 23 August 2022, members of The Cathedral College (TCC) community and invited guests gathered in the shadow of the magnificent St Joseph’s Cathedral to bless and officially open the new TCC Administration Building.

Following a warm welcome and an Acknowledgment of Country by TCC student Edie Hemson and Hayden Sullivan, Bishop Michael McCarthy led the gathering in a beautiful and meaningful liturgy prepared by College Deputy Principal, Mrs Claire Stitt.

A highlight of the liturgy was the lovely music and singing by students of the College, Lily Christensen and Charlotte Lehmann, with Lily performing a beautiful rendition of the Responsorial Psalm, “We are God’s people, the sheep of his flock”.

In his Homily, Bishop Michael reflected on the fond memories he holds of his very early visits to the College after his Episcopal Ordination in 2014. In speaking of the College’s beautiful location, Bishop Michael referred to TCC as being “in the echo of St Joseph’s Cathedral”.  Bishop Michael noted the presence at the gathering of a number of Sisters of Mercy, and he reflected on how the Sisters had played a significant role in the foundational story of TCC and in the history of Catholic Education in the Diocese of Rockhampton.  Bishop Michael said the blessing he would perform today was not just a blessing of the building but more importantly it was a blessing of the people who work in the building each day and those who have occasion to visit the Administration Building as it serves the College’s staff, students and their families.

In her address to the assembled gathering, Diocesan Director of Catholic Education, Miss Leesa Jeffcoat, praised those with a vision for the future who were instrumental in founding TCC in 1991.  Miss Jeffcoat reminisced on her days as Deputy Principal and then Principal at TCC in its formative years. She said she would have loved to have worked in the wonderful Administration Building that would be blessed and officially opened today. Miss Jeffcoat remarked on the way the College had grown and been transformed by a major building program and facility upgrades over the past 30 plus years.  Miss Jeffcoat said the blessing and opening of this Administration Building gave her the opportunity to thank and congratulate those who had been foundational to the College’s existence, those who had prayerfully and practically supported TCC over the past 30 plus years, those who had made the new Administration Building a reality and all who had contributed to the outstanding educational facilities and resources that TCC enjoys today.

“On behalf of Catholic Education, I thank Bishop Michael, the priests of the Cathedral Parish, the Sisters of Mercy, College Principal, Mr Rob Alexander and all members of the College community plus Architect, Tony Madden and Construction Contractors Griffin Builders,” Miss Jeffcoat said.

Miss Jeffcoat then made special mention of Principal, Mr Rob Alexander, congratulating him on his faith-based, values-based and strong leadership of TCC.  “Rob wherever I go in the community and beyond, I hear so many positive comments about your excellent leadership of TCC. I know Rob you are always the first to say you are blessed with a committed Leadership Team, caring and professional staff, a supportive College Board and Parents and Friends Association, and parents who place their trust in the College to provide a quality, authentic Catholic education for their children”, Miss Jeffcoat said.

In her closing words, Miss Jeffcoat reflected on the Foundational Values of the College being, Gratitude, Respect, and Compassion and that these Values are lived out by the TCC community each day. “The TCC community very much embraces the Catholic Ethos that is at the heart of College life and in so doing, staff, students and parents strive to remain faithful to the College’s lifegiving motto of “Come Live Life in all its Fullness”. Miss Jeffcoat said.

Mr Alexander then delivered the Vote of Thanks to Bishop Michael, the priests of the Cathedral parish, the Sisters of Mercy, Miss Jeffcoat, staff and students of TCC, those who had planned and worked on the Admin Building project with such skill and professionalism and those who had gathered today for this significant ceremony in the life of the College.

Bishop Michael then said the Prayer of Blessing, blessed those gathered and then following the singing of the concluding Hymn, United As One, he moved into the Administration Building to bless the building and those who worked within.

This very special blessing and opening celebration concluded with a lovely morning tea that was enjoyed by all who attended.