News from North Rockhampton
12 April, 2022Third Scrutiny celebrated at Holy Family Church
On Sunday 3 April, Jessica Commins and Huyen Ngo (Rockonia Parish) and Tara Winmill (Cathedral Parish of St Joseph), participated the Third Scrutiny at Holy Family Church, Rockonia Parish, with Bishop Michael McCarthy presiding. [Ashlee Rose (Cathedral Parish) was unable to participate due to ill-health.]
During the Scrutiny, the Bishop offered the following prayer for them:
We pray for these your servants,
who eagerly approach the waters of new birth
and hunger for the banquet of life.
At the end of the Scrutiny, Huyen, Jessica and Tara were presented with a copy of the Our Father. Bishop Michael invited everyone to join with them in praying the Lord’s Prayer.
For these Elect, their Period of Purification and Enlightenment is coming to an end with just the Preparation Rites to be completed on Holy Saturday morning, 16 April, during which they will be invited to recite the Creed and be anointed with the oil of catechumens. They will also have time for quiet reflection and prayer in preparation for their Christian initiation during the Easter Vigil Mass which will celebrated on that same evening at St Joseph’s Cathedral.
Sacramental Program
The Catholic Community of North Rockhampton has begun the 2022 Sacramental Programme for children preparing for the Sacraments of Penance, Confirmation and Eucharist. Please pray for our candidates and families.