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Capricorn Coast Parish

12 April, 2022
Parishioners from both ends of the parish 'Meet in the Middle'.


The Capricorn Coast has three candidates preparing to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist on Easter Sunday morning.  All three ladies have been baptised and are now completing their Sacramental journeys.  The Parish RCIA team have been travelling with Janelle Pinch, and Emma and Rachel Kehl.  Over the past few weeks the ladies have been presented with the Creed and the Our Father during Sunday Mass and parishioners were asked to pray for them as they complete this part of their respective journeys at Easter.

Palm Sunday

Leading up to Palm Sunday, a lovely group of ladies gathered to make palm crosses for the parishioners of our two churches. They made a total of 430 palm crosses. Well done ladies and thank you very much for your time and talent freely given.

We gathered on Saturday evening at Mary Immaculate church and Sunday morning and evening at Sacred Heart church to commemorate Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem.  One of the Gospel passages this weekend tells us of Jesus being welcomed into Jerusalem while the other Gospel reading tells us of His passion and death. What is my reaction to today’s readings? Am I prepared to be truly present during Holy Week?

.             Sacred Heart Church, Yeppoon                                                    Mary Immaculate, Emu Park

We wish our teachers, staff, students and families of our schools, a very happy, safe and peaceful holiday.

We wish all our parishioners a Holy and Joyous Easter, and let us acclaim as one – Allelluia, Allelluia, He is Risen!!

Helen McIntyre