News from Mackay
16 October, 2023The Mackay Men’s Dinner Club met on Monday 25th September. In the absence of our chairman Peter, Rex Fraser welcomed everyone including Fr Anthony and guest speaker, our member, Des Crowe.
Rex’s Reflection: The question was: ‘Are You at the end of Your Rope?’ Rex said ‘We are called to wait on the Lord, be of good courage and He will strengthen our hearts. [Ps 27:14]. The word wait links to a Hebrew word in rope making. A rope starts as a thread, each added strand strengthens it so each time you WAIT on the Lord, you add another thread and become stronger. Are you ‘hanging on by a thread’? Spend time with God and grow stronger, and more able to cope with life’s pressures. Waiting is not always passive. Waiters ‘wait’ on a patron, making sure their needs are met. Whether you are prayerfully sitting or actively serving God, He will strengthen you. Take hold of God’s clear promise in Isaiah 40:31; “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.’
Our guest speaker is a long-running club member Des Crowe. Rex introduced Des and asked members ‘Who’d known him the longest?’
Des said he was surprised to be asked to be the speaker, so thought he must have done a beaut job last time. Or he’d paid his way for a free meal? No matter, tonight he was taking us back to where it all began. At the creation of the angels, Adam & Eve were created as adults. We are privileged to be creative, and children in the image of God who knows us and loves us all. Did you know there was a six day window of conception for you and each of us is truly unique and special, especially to God?
In Eden, there was no death and only one rule. Obey and keep Paradise but Eve was deceived and Adam disobeyed so sin entered in, hence the curse and death. Paradise lost. To Moses fell the task of leading the Israelites to the Promised Land. God wiped out Pharaoh’s army and yet the people rejected God. An eleven day journey became 40 years in the wilderness complaining, ignoring, and rebelling against God. This has become the world’s history. We too ignore and rebel.
There was World War 1, then World War 2, and millions killed. Today in Australia, 80,000 abortions terminate lives of great potential every year! In Mackay when Des was growing up, there were about 60,000 people, and the churches were full. Today there are 160,000 and the churches are empty!Back then, abortion was only in special circumstances up to 20 weeks of pregnancy. Today it is termination at birth for social reasons like the wrong sex?!
Euthanasia has now become State sanctioned murder yet God says life is sacred. Humanity’s rules change but God does not. The trend from other countries is as hospitals and nursing homes become full, the option of euthanasia is promoted! We must not be scared of God. He loves us. The “fire & brimstone” confessions are in contrast to the Love of God through communion. God gives us promises and gifts. We’re to love God better by loving others because ALL are important to God. Each of us has to love more. Love God, your spouse, your kids, grandkids, siblings, relatives. Be like Jesus, declare your love for others.

Des recalled running into a man at Parkside Shopping Centre who asked for change. He took time to listen, went and bought a pie and juice for him and when he returned Des noticed the man ‘shone’. He felt, “I’ve helped Jesus.” Des has worked with the homeless and says, “Don’t judge.” A 35-year-old alcoholic attended an Alligator Creek Retreat where Des found out that as an 8-year-old with a 10-year-old sister, he was placed in the Nudgee Home. He never saw his mother again, he was separated from his sister, he suffered abuse and at 14 was put out into a boarding house, becoming an alcoholic. Love can make such a difference and these days is much needed.
Graham thanked Des for his talk, noting that indeed we all have gifts and Des has shared his with us tonight.
A discussion took place on ladies attending our dinners, making September a permanent ‘Ladies Night’ However when a speaker is of interest to women they may come to that particular dinner. November’s proposed guest speaker is of interest and ladies are invited.
Our next dinner is on Monday 30th October at 6.30 pm for a 7 pm start at the Boomerang Hotel. Guest Speaker is Magdala Thorne, Mater-Mackay, Mission Integration Manager & Volunteer Coordination.