News from Capricorn Coast
15 February, 2022News from last year! The annual Melbourne Cup Luncheon gave some of the money it raised to the Cycling Without Age group. A number of our parishioners are involved in this service to the elderly and those with movement difficulties. A couple of times a week, they can be found giving rides in their trishaws along the foreshore or around the retirement villages. Those taken for a ride delight in seeing the view and feeling the wind in their hair. In December, at Sunday Mass, Mary O’Donnell, on behalf of CWA, received a cheque from our parish. After Sunday Mass she took a few for a ride around the carpark, including Fr Matthew and Barbara Kirwan.
Here we are at the beginning of another exciting year!! What plans might God have for us this coming year? May our ears, eyes and hearts be open to His calling.
We finished off last year with our Christmas “Meet in the Middle” gathering, for parishioners from both sides of the parish on December 13th. This is always a great opportunity to catch up with people who we don’t always get to see, and in beautiful surroundings to help us reflect on God’s wonderful creation.
At our Christmas celebration on Christmas Eve, we gathered as a faith community to celebrate the birth of a little child who changed the world: Jesus our Saviour. Fr Matthew invited the young children who were present to process in with him and place the baby Jesus in the crib. What a wonderful celebration we shared together as family.
From January 2nd we were all required to wear masks in indoor settings, so we can continue to gather safely. This had been happening for a few weeks prior, to keep our vulnerable safe.
On January 7th, we heard news that our past parish secretary – Briona McKone had passed away. Briona was very caring, helpful, full of life, and very competent at her work. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her. We offer our sincere condolences to Phil and all her family. A memorial service will be held for Briona at Sacred Heart Church on February 16th.
January 8th brought on a double celebration – Fr Matthew’s farewell and Fr Andrew’s welcome. Fr Matthew heads overseas to Wales for a study and professional development year while Fr Andrew is once again being fully involved in parish life here at the Capricorn Coast. After Mass finished we gathered for a shared meal. We will keep both these men in our prayers. Fr Noel is always ever ready to step in when Fr Andrew is unavailable, so thank you Fr Noel.
The men of the parish have been busy changing over TVs in both churches as they seemed to have reached their life span. Thank you for all your hard work.
Thank you also to all the quiet workers in the parish, who often go unnoticed. You are appreciated.
A few special occasions have occurred since we last put pen to paper – Noeline Holman and Brian Kehoe both celebrated their 90th birthdays. What an amazing milestone for them and their families. Frank and Noeline Holman also celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary and Fr Andrew prayed a beautiful blessing over them – another wonderful milestone!! Sue Halberstater celebrated 70 wonderful years of life and Sr Kym celebrated 44 years of Religious Profession. We are very blessed to have these people in our faith community.
Our four schools of the Parish are now starting off another year in different circumstances with certain Covid restrictions in place. We wish all the staff, students and families the very best for the coming year and we will keep you all in our prayers.