News from Bundaberg
12 April, 2022The children are on holidays, and we are preparing for the joyful celebrations of Holy Week. As Catholic Christians this the best time of the year to express our joy in the Risen Jesus, but parish life still continues in the lead-up to Easter.
Bishop Michael’s Pastoral Visit
Bishop Michael was invited to the parish on the weekend of 12/13th March to commission the leadership teams of the parish. During the 8.00am Sunday Mass our new Executive Officer, Br Ted Magee, was commissioned into his role of assisting Fr Peter in the administration of the parish. The members of the newly-structured Parish Stewardship and Finance Councils as well as all lay-presiders of Sunday celebrations of Word and Communion were commissioned for their roles too. Bishop Michael spoke of the co-responsibility of parish leadership: the responsibility of all of us to work closely with the parish priest to continue the mission of the Church.
While here Bishop Michael conferred the sacrament of Confirmation on two very special young ladies: Geraldine Mulder and Grace Lukan. Both ladies rely on wheelchairs and carers for mobility. The St Patrick’s community supported them prayerfully and, with joy, welcomed them to the family.
Welcome to New Parishioners
Each year the Stewardship Council members, together with the Parish Team, invite new parishioners to come to an evening soiree of drinks and nibbles in the parish office. The first hurdle for invitations to be sent is to identify new parishioners. This is a task for all in the faith communities. The evening on Friday, 18th March, included introductions and histories, finding out who’s who in the parish, and hearing the stories of the new parishioners, “in 34 words or less!” as per Fr Peter’s instructions. Of course, we didn’t listen!
Stewardship of Time and Talent
Our renewal campaign concluded on the weekend of 1st /2nd April. Many people offered their time and talents to serve the parish in a variety of ministries across six categories: Liturgy and Sacraments, Pastoral Care, Adult Faith Formation and Education, Youth, Administration and Outreach. Much emphasis is placed on asking people to discern their gifts before making a commitment. The next step in the process will be to train new ministers and to commission all ministers, probably towards the end of May.
The R.C.I.A. Journey continues
We have eleven candidates for the Easter sacraments of initiation, ranging in age from 8 to 40+. Their long journey of preparation is soon to conclude. They have celebrated the three Scrutinies, rites of strengthening and enlightenment, and have been presented with the two great gifts of the Church, the Creed and the Our Father. Theirs has been a long period of preparation and they can’t wait till Easter. As people who truly welcome new members to our church we support them and rejoice with them at the Easter Vigil and beyond.