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News from Bundaberg

19 March, 2024
Revisiting the Summit

On the Road to Easter – our RCIA Candidates

On the road to Easter five of our RCIA candidates joined with other Diocesan candidates in the Rite of Election at St Joseph’s Cathedral. Two others participated in the Rite back in Bundaberg. All seven will be received into the Church at the Easter Vigil on March 30th. The Parish continues our prayerful support for our “elect”.

Cathedral – Freddie James, Evelyn James, Alice Hartelman, Ryan Edgerton and Steven Jenes.
Holy Rosary Church – Cassie Lyne and Eloise Brandon

Fr Peter Doherty returns to his roots

Fr Peter presided at three weekend Masses on March 2/3. Parishioners and former classmates along with friends and family welcomed Fr Peter. Deacon Michael Tran (Gympie) assisted at the Masses. Pictured are Fr Peter concelebrating Mass with Fr Don assisted by Deacon Micharl. Dr Preshy Varghese presents Fr Peter with a gift from the Parish. Fr Peter at morning tea with some of the parishioners.

Revisiting the Summit

Saturday February 24th saw fifty parishioners accept the invitation to re-visit the Parish Summit. Previous Summits were held from 2019-2021. This gathering had three purposes:
1. To reflect on where we had come from.
2. To look at where we are now.
3. To dream where we might be into the future.
The day was very well facilitated by Stephen Dale and Parish Stewardship Council members along with three others led groups in Conversations in the Spirit for each session after brief input.
All consensus information has been collated and the task of preparing a way forward is now ahead.

MenAlive Gathering

Approximately forty men attended a breakfast gathering and were enlightened by listening to Fr Peter Doherty as he spoke of priestly formation at Holy Spirit Seminary. Fr Peter spoke with great enthusiasm of the training he had received and answered any questions from the interested audience.

Anointing Mass

Each month on the fourth Thursday, we celebrate an Anointing Mass. Year 6 students from St Mary’s and St Joseph’s accompany those who attend and bring great joy to all. Morning tea follows and is served by the young boys and girls.

St Mary’s Sunday School Teachers’ Formation

The first formation gathering of teachers was led by Fr Don who spoke on Core Catholic Values – Sanctity of Life. There are thirty-five teachers involved in the Sunday school which commences after the 9.00am Mass and concludes about 12 noon. Attendance of young people from 5 -17 is excellent.

Stations of the Cross

All churches provide the opportunity for Stations of the Cross on Fridays in Lent. Pictured is the Indian Community at the Malayalam Stations at Holy Rosary.

Catechists from our Parish joined in an ecumenical gathering at the Apostolic Church for a day’s in-service before beginning the year of Religious Instruction in State Schools. It is a rewarding ministry and the group pictured are devoted to it.

The Parish has three Passionist Family Groups. Pictured below is the Bargara group at its first function for 2024 at the Elliott Heads Bowls Club.

Fr Augustine CMI Provincial was welcomed to Bundaberg where he concelebrated three weekend Masses with Fr Sijo before hosting a gathering of CMIs in Brisbane.