News from Bundaberg
13 December, 2022
Sacramental Life
The Sacramental Life of the Parish is alive and well. The sacraments are at the heart of the Catholic faith. There are always parents to prepare for the Baptism of their babies or young children. With Christmas holidays upon us, families are taking advantage of this time to schedule a Baptism or two into their family holiday schedule. We thank the small but committed Baptism Preparation Team for their continued availability to prepare these young parents.
The RCIA has a number of candidates wanting to come into the Catholic family. A Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens, the first formal Rite of the RCIA process, was held for four inquirers on Sunday, 20th November. Through this rite, the catechumens (the non-baptised) declared their acceptance to follow the Gospel way of life, were signed with the Christian symbol of the Cross, and presented with a bible. We will continue to keep these catechumens in prayer: Glen Windsor and his son, Cameron; Sylvia How; and Hanahlin Whittard.
Also, during that same Mass, a Rite of Welcome was celebrated for Rhonda Vandermeer who has been journeying for quite some time now, is already baptised, and is coming to know the Catholic way of discipleship.
The parents of children wanting to celebrate the childhood sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist have met with the Sacramental Team to hear the expectations and timetable for next year’s program which will begin in February.
The monthly Anointing Masses in Holy Rosary church have continued with the assistance of the Year 6 students from St Joseph’s school. They have been a blessing for the older parishioners because, as one student said, it makes them smile!
Long Service Acknowledgements
In every parish, in every town across our diocese, there are those in our Mass communities who seem to be the “go to” people who know where everything is, who everyone is, and keep an eye on the place. Recently all ministers involved in the liturgy were commissioned at the beginning of the new Church year. At the end of the commissioning four faithful, long-serving ministers were acknowledged for their service to their Mass community. They were Mrs Jackie Habermann (St Mary’s & St Patrick’s 9.00am), Mrs Jan Davidson (St Patrick’s 6.00pm), Mrs Margaret Healey (Holy Rosary 8.00am), and Mr & Mrs Frank & Kathy Gambley (St James’).
Each were given a presentation and Br Ted introduced them, saying some kind words about their commitment and loyalty to their Mass community over the years. “Well done, good and faithful servants.”
Thank You
Our Stewardship model of discipleship is based on being grateful for the many gifts and talents that God has bestowed on each one of us. In gratitude we give back to the community in ways of service. Each year the Parish Team holds a Thank You evening for everyone and anyone who does anything in and around the parish. This year drinks and finger food were supplied on the afternoon of Monday, 21st November, in the parish office. A good number of parishioners turned up for this evening of acknowledgement. Fr Peter thanked everyone for their service and many backs were patted. Thank You to all!
Outreach to Woorabinda
In conjunction with Shalom College, the parish recently donated and sent items of manchester, costumes, and toys to Sr Cecilia Prest at Woorabindah mission. The mountain of toys donated by Shalom College along with the parish offerings were packed into a ute and taken by Cheryl Petersen and Lynelle McAtee to Woorabindah on Monday, 21st November. Sr Cecilia was so grateful for these donations as it enabled the residents of the mission to purchase gifts and necessities before Christmas. We hope to be involved in this outreach activity again next year.
This was the name given to an evening of praise and worship held on Friday, 25th November, in Holy Rosary church. Five young people attended the Ignite Conference in September and as a way of keeping the spirit alive, this evening was planned. Fr Ashwin Acharya, Gladstone, was invited to lead the night which began with a sausage sizzle in the church grounds at 6.00pm. Together with a parish backing group of all ages and two musicians, Fr Ashwin led those in attendance in an evening of song to praise the Lord. Exposition and Adoration were included in the night. It’s hoped that this is the first of regular evenings of praise and worship in the parish.
Christmas Wishes
To all our friends across the diocese we wish you the joy that comes with the birth of a baby. God’s peace be with us all and with the world at this time.