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Moving into Catherine McAuley College

18 November, 2021
All hands on deck for move in at Catherine McAuley College with Principal Jim Ford (3rd from left), CEDR Director Leesa Jeffcoat (4th from right), College staff and staff from the Catholic Education Office.

Preparation and planning continues for the opening of Mackay’s new Catholic secondary school, Catherine McAuley College, as operational staff begin move-in and fit out ahead of site hand over which is planned for early December.

The College, established on the site of the former Mackay Sugar Research Institute on Nebo Road, has been under Stage 1 construction since September last year and will open to Year 7 students at the start of the 2022 school year.

Principal Jim Ford said reaching this stage was an exciting milestone in the development of the College. “There’s definitely a buzz of excitement amongst operational staff during this process of physically moving in and setting things up.  We also have a series of special events coming up in the final weeks of the school term where our college community will have a chance to set foot on the site and see what has been happening here since September last year during the building and site preparation phase.”

Planned events include an Open Day for Foundation students on November 25, and a special guided tour and function for former employees of the Mackay Sugar Research Institute on December 14.

“Both Bishop Michael McCarthy and Diocesan Director of Catholic Education, Leesa Jeffcoat will be attending this event to mark the milestone of the completion of Stage 1 of the construction process for the new College,” Mr Ford said. “Our teaching staff will have access to the College from the last week of the school term this year to assist with planning and preparation for the College opening next year.”

Catherine McAuley College has generated enormous interest from families in the region wishing to enrol their children as well as significant enquiries from teaching professionals seeking information about staffing.

Further details about the College including enrolment information were available on the Catholic Education website .