Student Protection training prepared
18 November, 2021Catholic Education – Diocese of Rockhampton (CEDR) has partnered with Child Wise, a not-for-profit subsidiary of Save the Children Australia, to develop the next version of their mandatory Student Protection training package for staff to be delivered in 2022.
CEDR Student Services Manager Brett Halter said bespoke training had been developed with content specifically tailored to best facilitate improvement across the organisation that would complement existing student protection processes and practices. “Through a detailed consultation process with CEDR, the materials have been developed by Child Wise to form an excellent foundation for all staff in this most important area of student protection. This term, 32 staff from schools, colleges and the Catholic Education Office have participated in Train-the-Trainer sessions in preparation for the implementation of the training materials in 2022,” Mr Halter said.
The training package includes detailed information on recognising and responding to child abuse, reporting, legislation, impacts of abuse and professional boundaries.
“Our highest priority is the safety and protection of young people in our care. We are constantly looking for ways to make our policies, systems, processes and practices even more child focussed, robust and holistic throughout our organisation,” Mr Halter said.