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St Joseph’s North Mackay

15 June, 2021
Bishop Michael, priests of the diocese and brother priests from Africa and Brisbane join with Fr James for the Memorial Mass for his father.

On Monday 14th June 5:30pm Bishop Michael, Priests who had travelled, Religious and members of our Parish Community came to show support and to celebrate with Fr James the Memorial Mass of his dearly departed father Mr John Ezeocha.

The children who registered on the Sacramental Process in 2019 finished their Initiation of the Sacraments on the weekend 8th / 9th May when they received their First Eucharist.

Sebastian MacDonald receiving First Eucharist from Fr Sijo George at St Joseph’s 9am Sunday Mass 9th May.

The Sacramental Process has started once again for the Northern Cluster Parishes of North Mackay and Farleigh with 97 children registered on the Program to prepare for the Sacraments. There was a Parent Information and Registration evening on Wednesday 19th May followed by the Rite of Enrollment at all Parish Weekend Masses ……..and this week the families attended a Penance Workshop arranged by the Sacramental Team Fr James, Fr Sijo, Mrs Chris Haines, Mrs Anne Marshall, Mrs Helen Privett, Mrs Marcelle Price, Mrs Noeleen Kliese,  Mrs Shaye Gaviglio, and led by Mrs Caryll Schofield.  In a few weeks’ time the children will receive the Sacrament of Penance.

William Sutton has completed the parish RCIA process and was Initiated into the Catholic Church at St Joseph’s  6pm Vigil Mass Saturday  29th May. William received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.

William being presented with his certificated by Fr James Ezeocha.

The Parish Community of St Joseph’s will be celebrating with Sr Lila Galvin her 60th Jubilee with a Mass on Friday 9th July to be held 5:30pm at St Joseph’s Church North Mackay followed with refreshments in St Joseph’s School Hall.