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Reconciliation Week at St Brendan’s College

07 June, 2022

Our Strong Brotherhood is a Chance to make a Change

This year’s theme for Reconciliation Week is – Be Brave. Make Change.  Reconciliation week starts on the 27th of May and concludes on the 3rd of June, but the message endures long past these dates and is continually resonated in the hearts of St Brendan’s College Students and Staff. The cry to take action challenges all Australians to stand up, be proactive and make the changes that will shape a future for all Australians.  Changes that recognise and celebrate our differences whilst at the same time acknowledge our similarities.

St Brendan’s College, takes pride in our strong sense of brotherhood that embraces every student’s background, status and culture.  As a College community and as an inclusive community, we are called to unite as one and use our differences as opportunities to embrace and learn from one another. This week as a College we gathered to watch as our Torres Strait Islander Brothers perform and, as always, it brought chills and a sense of pride to see these young men stand up in front of 900 of their peers to demonstrate an important part of who they are.

We pray to the Lord to open up our hearts so that we may hear the message He taught to the world in which the wrongs of the past are recognised – we pray for the realisation of a world in which a reconciled people walk and talk together sharing stories; in which all burn with the desire to have His peace and justice reign.