News from the Capricorn Coast
14 December, 2021
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd commenced at “Tabor Good Shepherd Atrium”, Sacred Heart Church, Lammermoor. Introductory sessions are open to 3 – 6 year old children during the weeks of Advent. The sessions are held at 4pm prior to 5pm Mass on a Sunday evening.
St Benedict’s End of Year Mass Sacred Heart School End of Year Mass
Closing year Masses have been held for our schools and we wish all the staff and families of our four schools, a very Happy and Holy Christmas and safe travels during the holidays.
Celebrations held during December so far:- Brian and Cath Kehoe celebrated 60 years of Marriage on December 2nd. We shared in their celebration at Mass on Saturday night with a sung blessing, small gift and followed after Mass with pizzas. Congratulations and many blessings to this amazing, gentle and caring couple.
And our dear Sr Grace Bartolo, celebrated 60 years of religious profession today – December 9th. What a marvelous milestone. We are very blessed to have Sr Grace in our community. Today was our first Thursday morning Mass, so it was a great time to celebrate with Grace and for the gathered parishioners to sing a blessing over Grace. We then followed up after Mass with a coffee – of course!!
A Parish Mass was followed by a Christmas BBQ last Tuesday afternoon in the Sacred Heart Church Community room and outside area. A feast fit for a king was presented to the parishioners who attended. Thank you to all the cooks of this scrumptious food and to the men on the bbq – John, Maurice and Ray. A blessed time was had by all.
A Memorial Mass was celebrated for all who have lost loved ones over the past year. For each person who had died, we had a memorial cross made and it has hung at the back of the church on a specially made board. At this Mass, the loved ones of those who had died were given the cross, as a sign that they continue to be loved and held in prayer by our parish.
Our Anointing Masses have recommenced this month and we thank God for our healing of body, soul and mind.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Happy, Holy Christmas and a Joyful and Peaceful New Year. Enjoy every minute with your gathered family members as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour.