News from the Capricorn Coast
21 July, 2021
During the past month since his ordination, Fr Ashwin has celebrated with the various communities of our parish. This has been a delight and joy for him and for us. On June 19th Fr Ashwin said a Thanksgiving Mass at Mary Immaculate Church and gave a blessing to many parishioners. After this we walked to the nearby cafe where he cut his cake, which Robyn from Ocean Brew had beautifully made. On June 20th Fr Ashwin said another Thanksgiving Mass at Sacred Heart Church after which more celebrations were had by the parishioners over the other side of the Parish. What a wonderful time of celebration for our Parish, to see one of our own faith filled young men, journey through his calling to become a Priest. May we all continue to pray our Prayer for Vocations. We wish Fr Ashwin all the very best and God’s richest blessings as he starts his priestly ministry in Mackay and for his future appointment to Gladstone.
Our ‘Meet in the Middle’ was enjoyed by twelve parishioners from both sides of the Parish. Some lively chatting and laughing in beautiful surroundings was had by all. We clashed with Morning Melodies this month so we missed a few of our regulars, but God willing they will join us for our next meet which will be held on Monday August 9th at The Waterline Cafe commencing at 10am. We look forward to your company and everyone is most welcome to join us.
During this past month, we said goodbye to one of our very talented choir members – Muriel Heritage. Muriel has moved to Mackay to be closer to her family and we wish her all the very best in her new home and community. Muriel’s beautiful voice and laughter will be missed.
We held a Mass at Mary Immaculate Church, to farewell three of our well respected, faith filled, caring, loving women of our community, who have all passed within four weeks of each other. What a wonderful opportunity this was, to share our thoughts and prayers for these wonderful women. What a shock to our community and an ache in our hearts. Rest in Peace – Frances Windress, Cecilia Sutton and Patricia Ellrott.
Last Friday our Mary Immaculate Church community joined with the Anglican and the Uniting Church communities to celebrate Australian Church Women Inc – Fellowship Day. This service was hosted by the Uniting Church and the theme for this service was “Moving Forward in Faith” with the sub-title: “Holiness in the Ordinary”. Approximately sixteen people joined to pray together and listen to our guest speaker, who spoke about three of the Bible’s most faithful women – Sarah, Ruth and Lydia. Following the service, we enjoyed some wonderful fellowship and a scrumptious morning tea.
We welcome back all the staff and students of our amazing schools and wish you all a great term ahead.
Thank you for the Friday funnies Fr Matthew, keep them coming!!