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News from the Capricorn Coast

23 February, 2023
Emu Park Farewell Fr Andrew

I thought I would like to share the last couple of months through photos.

We journey through Advent taking time to pause, reflect and savour the coming of Christ.  We then move onto gathering for our Ecumenical Christmas Carols, at which Sr Kym Harris delivered a beautiful message which left us with some thoughts to take home and ponder on.  Pastor Stephen Cell gave us a blessing to complete the night, after some glorious singing by all who attended.

The parish and wider comunity joined for joyous Christmas Celebrations which had us running out of chairs for Christmas Eve Mass at Mary Immaculate. It was wonderful to see so many families come together to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

We moved then to saying a sad farwell to Fr Andrew Hogan where we thanked him for his leadership and friendship over the last 12 months. We wish you all the very best Fr Andrew for the future. We then had the happy occasion of welcoming back Fr Matthew Moloney.  Welcome back Fr Matthew!!

We celebrated the Baptism of Cooper Hiscox, and a presentation by Hazel to Kathy Maloney for 30 years of service to Catholic Education. Thank you Kathy for your dedication to your ministry.

We gathered as a community to celebrate Australia Day with Mass, and then followed with morning tea. Last week the Sacred Heart maintenance gang enjoyed  their first monthly dinner for 2023 where they were able to help a special lady, Sue Halberstater, celebrate her birthday.

Sr Kym celebrated 45 years of  taking her final vows of entering the Benedictine Order last week also. Thank you Sr Kym for your presence in our community and all you do.

Over the holidays we also had the pleasure of meeting Jocelyn Geraghty and her daughter, who were visiting the area. Jocelyn was the craftsperson of the beautifully carved priest’s chair, which is situated in the Mary Immaculate Church, Emu Park. Jocelyn originally presented this chair  to the Catholic Church in Yeppoon in 1974.

And finally, Emu Park got in first in welcoming back Fr Matthew.

Helen McIntyre