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News from Gladstone

16 September, 2021

SOS Youth events

We have completed a term of our Star of the Sea Catholic youth. With our leadership team adopting the ideas of group feedback, we implemented a social based term with prayer beginning and ending our experience.

Four new activities included bonfire night, laser tag, stand up paddle-boarding and kayaking and finishing with rock-climbing and mini golf.  Our battle on the laser tag field began with prayer on our need to be strong in our Lord as we face our daily battles.

Whilst we had our regulars attend, we attracted a new cohort of young people form the public and Catholic schools. We also saw more young men. Having established a link though sacramental program it has helped us connect with the families as a whole and offer the varying ministries from family group, youth group men and women’s group.  The social connection between young people thirsting for answers and other like-minded young people has created a base for us to work with.

We also have 17 young people coming to Ignite conference with our Diocesan group.

Feast Day of Our Lady Star of the Sea

Our Feast Day provided an opportunity to connect with families with whom we have not yet done so and sign them up to the adventure of SOS Youth events!!

Our Lady, Star of the Sea Feast Day celebrations, held Sunday 12th September were organised by Terri Pineaar and her team of parishioners. Together they put together a beautiful mass with a children’s procession and inspiring words on Out Lady of the Sea.

As we left church, we were serenaded by the ukulele group and offered some beautiful multicultural food and morning tea.

With a side show of crafts, information stalls and activities for kids of all ages, a line up of entertainment kept us smiling till the afternoon. What a glorious day. To top it off a piano accompanied song by our very own Fr Ashwin.