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News from Gladstone

30 December, 2023

Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish in Gladstone are celebrating the end of a graced year. The youth had a Christmas break-up party on Sunday 10th December at the Tannum Fitness & Leisure Centre, enjoying the rock-climbing wall, good food (enough savoury and perhaps too much sweet), and watching the Chosen Christmas Special on the big screen. Fun was had by all, and we pray they continue to support each other in the mountains and valleys of their faith journey. Belaying each other is a constant reminder that we cannot undertake life’s challenges alone, nor does God want us to: we have Him and each other, which is a fruit of the two greatest commandments.

On Friday 15th December, the Parish has its Annual Volunteers/Ministries Christmas Dinner, sharing festivities in thanksgiving for the many people who give generously of themselves for the life of this parish community. Our parish thrives due to the faithful commitment of so many people humbly offering their gifts where they feel called, and God blesses all their efforts. We give thanks to them, and to God, and share this time of celebrating.

Wishing everyone throughout the Parish and Diocese a most richly blessed Christmas. Our prayers are with those who are separated by distance, or who are experiencing grief in this time especially. Come, baby Jesus, into our hearts again, and grant us that peace and joy which is yours alone to give – which is Immanuel, your very self with us.