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News from Emerald

17 November, 2022
Fr Francois presented a very happy winner, Taneille McIntyre, with the trailer filled with Christmas items, valued at $6000 on Tuesday. Taneille, who said she, “has never won anything”, was over the moon.

What a wonderful event the Catholic Community Fair provides to the community of Emerald. The weather was kind, the volunteers were generous, the attendance was enormous, the final fair set-up was amazing and competitive with any professional event held in the major cities. We can all be very proud of the event. Next week we will especially thank the businesses and individuals who sponsored the fair and the financial results will be published shortly. It is always dangerous to thank specific people when so many volunteer their time and talents. However, a mighty big thank you to Laura Clarke, Fair Coordinator, for a successful, fantastic fair. We acknowledge too Laura’s family – husband Nathan, children Frankie, Archie and Ivy, and their wonderful grandparents Les and Bronwyn Brown, who, by association, got roped into many, many jobs. Our sincere thank you and congratulations Laura on a successful fair and a wonderful job done.

This is Laura’s final year as she moves onto other professional pursuits. We are now looking for a replacement and welcome any enquiries. Please contact Jackie McGavin or Francie Hartley through the parish office.