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News from Bundaberg Parish

16 May, 2023
Safeguarding Training

The Passionists Family Group movement

The Passionists Family Group movement was established 50 years ago in 1963 by Fr Peter McGrath C.P., in Terry Hills, NSW. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of their formation. There are two Family Groups in Bundaberg who came together on Sunday 7th May for lunch to mark the anniversary. Fr Don joined the groups for their lunch and oversaw the cutting of the birthday cake.

“A Family Group is made up of 10 – 12 families or units, perhaps with a cross section of ages, including some children of the same age, or perhaps a number of people of similar ages and stage in life. Everyone is welcome to join, from grandparents to babies. Non-church-attending spouses and non-Catholic partners are welcome as are one-parent families and single people, the elderly or the young.

The groups gather socially once a month for a social outing to enjoy being with one another and this develops into supportive relationships. Some get-togethers are just for the adults (to give parents of young children a bit of breathing space); while others include the children.” (

The leaders of each Family Group encourage new members constantly. Their motto is “A Family for All”. Coming together enables members to meet each other, to meet new parishioners, which flows into the Sunday gathering, building up community. We thank them for being a worthwhile ministry in our parish. 

Safeguarding Training

Nearly 80 volunteers in ministry attended the recent Level 1 Safeguarding Training on Tuesday, 9th May, presented by the Diocesan Safeguarding coordinator, Judy Pidcock, assisted by Emma Finlay. Judy always leaves us with something to think about and this year her message was, Let’s make safeguarding “ordinary”. Let it become normal in our thinking and conduct of parish activity.

Mothers’ Day Morning Tea

It is always good to see people remain after Mass to enjoy each other’s company over a coffee or cuppa. This month we celebrated the women and mothers of our 8.00am Mass community on Mothers’ Day. It was good to see some men serving the ladies.