News from Bundaberg
16 November, 2021Safe guarding Children and vulnerable Adults
Thank you to Jan Mussig and Kate Moore from the Diocesan Safeguarding Office for presenting the Safeguarding training on Tuesday, 19th October to all in parish ministry. We were very appreciative of the ladies’ time and presentation, reminding us that Safeguarding is the responsibility of all of us.
Sacramental Celebrations
At the end of October, we had the pleasure of celebrating baptism, confirmation and first Holy Communion with four young children from two families during the 9.00am Mass at St Patrick’s. Indiannah Dullaway was excited to be baptized with her baby sister, Miley Jo, while Sam Brosnan was very pleased to see his sister, Lucy, baptized with a good dose of holy water! Sam was already baptized. The three older children were then confirmed in the faith of the Church and later received Holy communion with their family and community. These moments of sacramental celebration are reminders of our own place in the community of disciples.
Parent Information Night
An “Expression of Interest” session was held recently for any parents who wish to have their child prepare for the childhood sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist. There was no pressure for a commitment at the end of the night. Over the years, the Sacramental Team has talked a great deal about the best way to prepare children for these sacraments. At this evening, facts and figures were given, expectations and a proposed timetable were explained, resources shown, and registration forms distributed.
Our new parish Vision Statement begins with the words “Nourished by Word and Sacraments”, and it is in these two areas that the Sacramental Team can have an impact on young families. We were also reminded of the long-known statement that “parents are the first teachers of their children in faith.” Next year parent faith formation on each sacrament will be our primary focus, with much encouragement and support given to them on ways to speak with their child about the sacraments for which they are preparing.
All Souls Day
Tuesday morning, November 2nd, bright and early, Mass was celebrated with nearly 80 people at the Catholic cemetery. This would have to be one of the most meaningful, spiritual ways that we can honour our departed family and friends and pray for their souls. We continue to pray for them during the month of November, with our Book of Remembrance available in which are inscribed the names of our deceased loved ones.
Youth Activities Continue
CHAOS, a group for primary aged children, always has fun each Wednesday afternoon. They have been following the Sunday gospel readings. Mark 12:38-44 about the widow’s offering made them aware that Jesus cares more about what’s in our heart when we give a gift, than the size of the gift that we give. Then to read Mark 13:5-6 where Jesus warns us to watch out for false leaders who will lie to us, they learnt that some people might lie to us, but Jesus is the Truth.
Anne Sheehan