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News from Bundaberg

14 August, 2024

The past month has been a busy time as we renewed our commitment as a Stewardship Parish. Homilies were followed by input from our Stewardship Core Group who explained the process:

  • Discovering my Gifts for Ministry
  • Identifying our Call to Ministry
  • Commitment of my Time and Talents to one or more of the ninety-three ministries and prayer groups in our Parish

Over the next few weeks all who committed will be contacted and welcomed. Training will follow as needed and all will be commissioned in mid-September.

Catholic Education Week Mass

Children’s Mass

Each fourth Sunday of the month, a Children’s Mass is celebrated at St Patrick’s Church at 9.00am.  The attendance has been good, and the Mass is growing in popularity with families and the community.  A Morning tea follows, and this enables all to meet in a social setting and get to know others in  our Parish.

“To Sing is to Pray Twice”

Our Musicians and Singers gather each first Saturday of the month to prepare the music and singing for the month ahead. Their dedication and their commitment are rewarded by the well-deserved affirmation they receive from Mass attendees.


New Parishioners Welcome

Fr Don, the Parish Stewardship Council, the Parish Office Team, along with our New Parishioners’ Welcome Coordinator hosted this event for approximately twenty parishioners who had arrived in our Parish since January 2023.

After some drinks, canapes and conversation, parishioners were asked to share a brief biography. The night was enjoyed by all, and our new parishioners were grateful to be warmly welcomed into their new community.

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop

St Joseph’s School, founded by St Mary MacKillop, led our Parish in the celebration of her Feast Day on August 8. Students from the school were enthusiastic in their involvement and brought their joy to parishioners who attended.