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News from Bundaberg

17 October, 2023
Some of the Rockhampton participants at the Liturgy Conference

Celebrating the RCIA Rites

Steven Jenes and his sponsor, Richard Koech.

We have a number of people on the journey to the Easter sacraments or reception into full communion of the Catholic Church. On the weekend of Sunday 24th September, we celebrated a Rite of Welcome for Wayne Cameron, our candidate for Reception into the Church. Although not an official rite of the RCIA, this adapted rite is sometimes used to remind the candidate and the community of their own baptism. Wayne was very pleased to be acknowledged by the community as already one with them through baptism.

Wayne Cameron & his sponsor, Kevin Banner

On Sunday October 8th, the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens was celebrated for our catechumen, Steven Jenes. The welcome at the front door, the signing of the cross, and presentation of a Bible as symbols of Steven’s acceptance of the Gospel way of life unite to remind the community, again, that our baptism comes with a responsibility to live a particular way of life.



Mystery and Mission: the Art Of Liturgical Celebration

This was the title of the national Liturgy and Music conference held recently in Brisbane, September 28-30th. Our parish sent Cheryl Petersen and Anne Sheehan to it, who then surprisingly, met up with nine others from our diocese as well as familiar faces in the field of liturgy and music. What a great representation of diocesan people who are interested in these two areas of ministry. They were nine among five hundred attendees, which is a testament to the longing that many in these ministries have had since the last gathering before Covid.

With keynotes speakers of the caliber of Timothy O’Malley Ph.D, Dr Maeve Heaney, Rev Dr Tom Elich, Dr Jason McFarland, and musician and singer Sarah Hart, the three days were guaranteed to be exceptionally educational and challenging. There is much work to be done in the fields.

School Savvy Launched in Bundaberg

It was a pleasure to take part in the launch of CatholicCare’s School Savvy project on Thursday, October 5th, in Hinkler Place shopping centre. Br Ted Magee began the launch in prayer reminding us of the words of Australia’s first saint, St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, “Never see a need without doing something about it.” CatholicCare saw a need 6 years ago and have done something about it. Our parish is pleased to support this annual activity.

Alpha in the Catholic Context

We have begun our first Alpha program. After weeks of formation and planning, advertising and promotions, our first session was held on Thursday, 5th October, at Shalom College. We welcomed 28 guests including some parishioners who brought a friend with them. This is what Alpha is all about: building friendships in a neutral, relaxed space while watching and discussing questions about faith and life.

Many people have questions about faith and life that Google cannot answer. Alpha is an exciting program we feel fits well with our parish vision statement to reach out to others so that they too could encounter the Good News of Jesus Christ. We’re excited to be on mission