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Combined Colleges in Mackay named

19 October, 2021

Following the coming together of St Patrick’s College and Mercy College in Mackay this year, the newly formed Years 7-12 secondary school has been officially named by Bishop Michael McCarthy as St Patrick’s College, with the junior campus to be known as Mercy Campus.

The following letter from Catholic Education Diocesan Director, Leesa Jeffcoat, was recently distributed to families of the combined colleges sharing the exciting and historic announcement.

Dear Parents and members of the St Patrick’s College and Mercy College communities

As you are aware, St Patrick’s College and Mercy College will consolidate and enhance the current collaboration and partnership that exists between both school communities and move to be one Year 7-12 College, situated on two campuses by 2023.

As part of the transition process to one Year 7-12 Catholic College, the Combined College Steering Committee facilitated a consultation process to identify the name of the future College. The consultation process provided an opportunity for all staff, students, parents from Mercy College and St Patrick’s College and parishioners from the Southern Cluster of Catholic Parishes in Mackay, to provide feedback on the preferred name of the College and this information was presented to Bishop Michael McCarthy for his consideration.

I am pleased to announce that Bishop Michael has considered the feedback that was received and has endorsed the Committee’s recommendation that the name of the combined Years 7-12 College be St Patrick’s College, retaining reference to the junior campus of St Patrick’s College as the ‘Mercy Campus’. It is pleasing to know that students of St Patrick’s College will continue to encounter and learn from the dual charisms of Edmund Rice and Catherine McAuley.

The name ‘St Patrick’s College’ has a rich tradition in Mackay, being associated with the wonderful work of the Sisters of St Joseph’s, the Sisters of Mercy and the Christian Brothers who have all influenced the formation of Catholic Education for young women and men since 1880.

As history indicates, the formation of Our Lady of Mercy College (OLMC) and later Mercy College, had its origins as part of St Patrick’s Convent High School. It is very fitting that the two current Colleges are once again unified under the original College name of St Patrick’s College with the junior secondary years located on the Mercy Campus. This honours the past while recognising a new chapter in the provision of Catholic Education across Years 7-12 in Mackay.

I wish to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the current staff who are working through the necessary steps of transition as we move towards St Patrick’s College (Years 7-12) being a reality in 2023.  It is through the collaboration and expertise of our staff and, their partnership with parents, that student learning and wellbeing at St Patrick’s College will be enhanced into the future.

I thank you for your ongoing support of Catholic Education and I look forward to the continued success of the transition to one College, St Patrick’s College, in 2023.

With every blessing,

Leesa Jeffcoat AM