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News from Bundaberg

18 October, 2021
Chaos at work in Bundaberg

Alpha in the Catholic Context

We continue trialling the Alpha program in our parish, with the hope of introducing it to the parish next year. We’re up to the 4th session: “How Can I Have Faith?”. The videos and discussions have been truly enlightening. Although already nominated as faithful Christians there is still so much for us to think about and questions that we haven’t thought about for years to answer, for example, who is Jesus and why did He die? (Sessions 1 & 2). All material is free and available online.


Farewells and Welcomes

It felt like such a short time ago that we welcomed Fr Gasper Peruvalil to our parish, but as he was called to serve in the South Mackay parish at the end of September, it was with sadness that we bid him a quick farewell.

We welcomed back to Bundaberg Fr Marcel Kujur. It was as though he hadn’t left. Ten years ago, Bundaberg was Fr Marcel’s first appointment in the diocese. He was excited to be back in familiar territory, to see familiar faces and places, and to hop straight into ministry. What a difference 10 years make!

We also welcomed Br Lionel Magee to the Parish Team. The name Edward (Ted) was bestowed on him as a Christian Brother and is the name by which he is known in most parts of the country. Br Ted came home to Bundaberg and offered his services to the parish. The vacant position of Stewardship Co-ordinator was suggested to him and one which he has gladly accepted. He is now attempting to make sense of parish structures, life, and its people.

MenAlive Breakfast

Twenty early-rising, alive men of the parish came together on Saturday, 16th October to enjoy a cooked breakfast together at the parish office. This is a regular activity for the menAlive group where they not only enjoy each others’ company but are formed on some aspect of Church life. The latest post-breakfast session looked again at the National Men’s Gathering video topics, “Man of Service” and “Man of Character”.  Fr Peter was also asked to give his insights into the first session of the Plenary Council.

Youth Activities

Our Youth Groups have resumed for Term 4. CHAOS is for the primary-aged children, and they have been talking about how to serve others like Jesus did. One of the simplest ways is to pray for each other, and so they have been learning to pray. The BLAZE group is for secondary students who have been talking about ways to follow Jesus. What does this mean for them? They’re now beginning to explore Miracles, looking at Blessed Carlo Acutis, a young man of the modern age, in particular. The SALT group of young working adults enjoy social gatherings as well as formation sessions and this month enjoyed pizza and drinks at the Brewhouse.