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Clergy Retreat at The Haven

19 August, 2021

The Clergy of the Diocese gathered in the first week of August for their retreat. It was a nervous start as the pandemic raged around our state and nation and it was thought they may have to all go home and isolate. Fortunately, they were able to gather (even with a few nervous listenings to the news of the world around). Sr Kym Harris osb was the director of the gathering focusing on the Gospel of Mark and she shared with the priests her wisdom and reflections. It was a wonderful time of sharing and prayer for the week.

On the Friday the priests travelled into St Joseph’s Cathedral where they celebrated the Jubilee’s of Ordination of Father’s John Daly, Bryan Hanifin and John Hayes, each 50 years, with Fr Don White who celebrated 30 years of Ordination. It was a wonderful end to a very prayerful and sacred week. Thank you to Sr Kym for her wisdom and time given.

Bishop Michael was still recuperating from his hip replacement surgery, but was able to join for Mass each day. We continue to keep him in our prayers, praying for a continued recovery.