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Caring for St Joseph’s Cathedral

21 October, 2024

It is the time of year when we reflect on the importance of St Joseph’s Cathedral to our Diocese and ask for your generosity to continue to care for it. St Joseph’s Cathedral requires regular and ongoing maintenance, as any building would, but also requires special attention to maintain its unique architectural character, heritage elements and spiritual identity. Some of the areas in which your support would assist include:

1. Tiles: One of the most striking features of St Joseph’s Cathedral is the black and white checkered Italian marble tiles. Sadly, many of the tiles are cracked and/or chipped because of previous structural movement, which was rectified in the 2009-2013 restoration. The task of finding replacement tiles of suitable quality and colour will be a difficult and expensive one.

2. Sanctuary: The Sanctuary, the focus of the Mass, is adorned with green carpet which has become worn and threadbare in places and is well overdue to be replaced. In attending to the sanctuary, there is also an opportunity to improve the access to and safety of the Sanctuary with better positioned handrails and wheelchair access.

3. Pipe Organ: Having been out of commission since the 1980’s, the Cathedral’s pipe organ is expected to be fully restored by 2025. Two volunteer craftsmen have generously volunteered their time and skill over more than a decade to return the pipe organ to its former glory. At the completion of the project, it will be necessary to reimburse the volunteers for the cost of their materials and travel, as well as give them a financial gift as a gesture of the Diocese’s gratitude.

4. Pews: There are over 90 timber pews in St Joseph’s Cathedral. It has been many years since the pews received any significant attention. A number of them are scratched or graffitied, and some need repairs. In addition, if sufficient funds were available, options to improve the comfort of the pews, such as cushioned kneelers, could be considered.

5. Electronic sign: The electronic signboard in the Cathedral grounds that faces William Street is currently out of order and needs to be repaired or replaced, and perhaps relocated to be
more visible from the entrance to the Cathedral.

6. Livestreaming Equipment: In today’s digital age, our mission extends beyond the cathedral walls. Livestreaming equipment allows us to reach those who cannot attend in person, whether due to illness, old age, distance, or other barriers. Upgrading our current equipment will enhance the quality of our broadcasts, ensuring that everyone feels a part of our Diocesan community, no matter where they are.

7. Toilets: Only two toilets are currently available for public use in the Cathedral precinct. Long queues often form outside these toilets during major celebrations at the Cathedral. Additional toilet facilities could be constructed in the precinct if sufficient funds were available.

8. CCTV and Fire Protection Systems: Ensuring the safety and security of our congregation and preserving the Cathedral’s heritage are paramount. CCTV systems will enhance security and help to protect our visitors and sacred spaces. Additionally, enhancing fire protection measures will preserve the Cathedral’s irreplaceable architecture and historical artifacts from potential threats.

Donations for this Appeal are not tax deductible and can be made by setting up an ongoing donation or a one-off donation.  Options for giving are by:

  • Phone 07 4887 3090
  • Credit Card/Direct Debit
  • Cheque or Money Order made out to ‘St Joseph’s Cathedral Conservation Appeal’
  • Online
  • Scanning the QR Code