News from Capricorn Coast
17 April, 2023
He is Risen, Allelluia, Allelluia!!
What a wonderful time of celebration we enjoyed over the Easter Season.
In Jesus, the Suffering Servant of God, God stoops down to the level of humanity, and by Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on the cross, washes away the sins of the whole world.
Like Mary at the empty tomb, may we realise that we are in the presence of the risen Christ and we live in victory, in unexpected moments such as the Mass, the sacraments, prayer or in our fellow brothers and sisters. Then like Mary, may our joy be full.
On Easter Sunday we were able to celebrate with Gabriella and her family- Dion, Angela and Daniel, as she received the sacrament of Confirmation. Gabriella’s brother Daniel was also her sponsor.
The following Sunday on Divine Mercy Sunday, we celebrated with Andrew, Tanya, Tiarna and Zoe Vann as they received Sacraments of Initiation, and Harper, Zoe and Molly received the sacrament of Baptism. Welcome to the Family!!
Our 2023 Sacramental Program commences on Wednesday 19th April. All are most welcome.

An Alpha meeting was held on Tuesday 18th April in the Sacred Heart Community Room.
We enjoyed morning tea together after our Anointing Mass at Mary Immaculate church, which was held last week. Fr Matthew’s brother Michael and his wife Donna were also able to join us for Mass and morning tea, before they headed home to Townsville. It was heavily noted that Michael was an older brother.
Our “Meet in the Middle” was held on Monday 17th April at the Waterline Cafe. This morning is always a chatty, friendly gathering with God’s beautiful creation surrounding us.
May we continue to share the love of God with everyone we meet and talk to God from our hearts.