Bishop Michael’s Letter
01 December, 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
We are at the end of November and our year is almost over. There have been many gatherings over the past few weeks including college award nights, farewells and congratulations of our year 12 students who have completed their secondary education and move now into tertiary education and the work force. We wish them all the very best and include them in our prayers as we say farewell from this phase of their education and formation within our Diocese of Rockhampton.
Over the course of the year, I have celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation and First Holy Communions with 577 young people. It is a great commitment of our families to ensure that our young people are immersed into our Catholic faith. Please keep them in our prayers.
At the beginning of the month, I attended the ACBC conference in Sydney at the Shrine of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop. It’s always good meeting with the bishops at the place of a saint of our Church in Australia.
Earlier in the month there were many bush fires that did incredible damage to some of the properties in our Diocese and beyond. We assure those who have been affected of our support during this time of loss and tragedy.
This time last year I was packing my port to visit the Holy Land with a group of pilgrims. The events of the last few weeks have brought to our attention the fragile state of peace in the Holy Land and beyond. During the ACBC conference we listened to Bishop Mykola as he outlined what was happening for the people of Ukraine and Bishop Tarabay spoke to us about the effects of the war and its effect on the peoples of the Holy Land. It invites our prayers for peace in our world.
As we read our newsletter, we reflect on the marvellous things that are happening in our Diocese and the exciting news of the Lights of Christmas will be on again this year for the week before Christmas here at the Cathedral of St Joseph. I look forward to meeting you each evening. Please make the pilgrimage to the Cathedral for these nights.
May God bless you all.