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TCC Book Drive for the Woorabinda Ministry

16 May, 2023
The Cathedral College reception staff member Mrs Vicki Doolan received many book donations.

Last term, boxes upon boxes made their way from the shelves of Rockhampton homes and onto the reception desk of The Cathedral College’s front counter. The boxes were filled to the brim with delightful titles and pages of stories that contributed to the TCC Book Drive in aid of the Woorabinda Ministry.

Woorabinda is an Aboriginal community located two hours inland from Rockhampton. The Woorabinda Ministry is a Catholic presence to the community and an agent of reconciliation and healing. At the centre of this organisation is Sr Cecilia Prest mfic who lives in the community and delivers this ministry on her own, providing pastoral care and sacramental support to the people. TCC took the opportunity to offer support and bring the fullness of life to those in our neighbouring communities, following the generous actions upheld in our Rockhampton Catholic Community.

TCC McAuley House Dean, Mrs Megan Grové and Rockhampton Parishioner Miss Shirley Hopkins coordinated the collection and distribution to parish volunteers who will sell the donated books at local markets as a fundraiser for the Ministry.

In an effort to promote book donations, Mrs Grové organised the captains of McAuley House to give of their time by bringing in and reading their favourite childhood book to the juniors of TCC, not only supporting the book drive but promoting a love of reading.

Mrs Grové was pleased with the college’s response, collecting over 1500 books to support the fundraising efforts for Woorabinda Ministry whilst also nurturing reading at the school, a college goal for 2023.

“The TCC Book Drive allowed us to step into our core values of compassion and gratitude to help assist Sr Cecilia in the wonderful work she does,”

“We thank all those who have already made such generous donations and express our appreciation to Miss Hopkins and Sr Cecilia for their devotion to the success and continuation of such vital support within our region,” she said.

For those interested in making their own contribution or simply yearn for the company of a good book; keep an eye out for books on sale around the region at local markets or swap meets.