Parish of the Valleys
23 February, 2023
Each month we celebrate the the birthdays of those born in the month. Our January birthdays were celebrated on Sunday, 22nd January 2023. This is the 11th month we have consistently celebrated it. This month, the unique thing was the celebration of John Walton’s 90th birthday and Fr Simeon’s 40th. Many Happy Returns to them.
When Fr Simeon went to Monto the celebrations continued with his name on a cake.
Our Saturday 28th January 2023, three of our couples celebrated their wedding anniversaries Koko and Bing (25 years); Alex and Mila (30 years); Robbie and Carina (50 years). The beautiful mass and other events which attracted people from across Australia was held at the Biloela Civic Center.
It was beautiful having our students both in Monto and Biloela at church as we prayed the opening of the year Mass on Monday 30th January for St Therese’s Monto, and Friday 3rd February for St Joseph’s Biloela.