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Opening and Blessing, St John’s Catholic Primary School, Walkerston

20 October, 2022
Attending the recent Blessing and Opening of new facilities at St John’s Catholic Primary School, Walkerston, were (L-R) Parish Priest Fr Alex Varghese, student leaders Brad and Erin, St John’s Principal Nathaniel Rice (back), Sr Denise Hinton rsj, Sr Margaret Dixon rsj, Bishop Michael McCarthy, Member for Capricornia the Hon Michelle Landry MP, Mayor of Mackay Greg Williamson, Fr Gasper Peruvelil and CEDR Director Leesa Jeffcoat.

The completion of major capital works at St John’s Catholic Primary School, Walkerston, was a testament to the efforts of great forebears and signalled a bright future for the community, according to Director of Catholic Education, Diocese of Rockhampton (CEDR), Leesa Jeffcoat.  She praised the dedication and commitment of those who contributed to the project and those in Catholic Education who paved the way for current and future generations during her address at the Official Blessing and Opening of the new facilities at St John’s recently.

“I imagine the Sisters of Mercy who founded St John’s almost a century ago would be very pleased to see the fruits borne of such hard-fought beginnings. Pleased also, to see these beautiful new, well-resourced, contemporary learning spaces being utilized to their fullest and to experience the sense of belonging and community spirit that is so evident as soon as you walk through the school gates,” Miss Jeffcoat said.

Miss Jeffcoat officially opened the new facilities and Bishop Michael McCarthy conducted the Blessing ceremony.  The finalized redevelopment project at St John’s has seen a revitalization, modernization and upgrade of much of the school site over several phases including the completion of new and refurbished general learning areas in this recent stage of development.

“It is very pleasing that Catholic Education has been able to deliver this final $3.5 million self-funded project in response to continued support from families in this community who are seeking a quality education in the Catholic tradition,” Miss Jeffcoat said.

Miss Jeffcoat said the redevelopment will be of significant and ongoing benefit to the St John’s community for many years to come and demonstrated Catholic Education’s ongoing commitment to serving the needs of families in the region.