News from the Capricorn Coast
12 May, 2022
Here we are again and another month has past. We hope you all had a joyful Easter and recognised the Risen Lord in the Scriptures as we cried Alleluia! Alleluia!
Our Loss is Bucasia’s gain.
At this month’s morning tea after Sunday Mass, we farewelled a well-loved member of our parish. After 31 years here, Bernadette Byrne, with her husband Peter, the well-known TV weather reporter, are moving to Mackay, and the local Bucasia community. Bernadette has been one of those amazing people who has done so much within our parish, quietly, gently and with a great sense of humour. So many of us have been touched by her compassion. She has been involved in RI, Care and Concern, Communion to the Aged and so much more.
At the morning tea, she was presented with a pair of glasses, with the parish churches engraved on them. So, when she and Peter are sitting on the deck of the proposed new home having an evening drink, she will be reminded of us. We will miss her, but hope she come to visit occasionally.
Easter Triduum
We came together on Holy Thursday to celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, which marks the beginning of the Easter Triduum. We begin our journey with Jesus from death to life. In the beginning of this celebration, the Holy Oils which will be used for the coming year are processed in and placed on display. Fr Andrew washed some of our parishioner’s feet just as Jesus washed the disciples’ feet. At the end of the evening, the Blessed Eucharist was carried to the Altar of Repose where we were given the opportunity to “Remain here and keep watch with Me”.
Good Friday commenced with us gathering for the Stations of the Cross led by Fr Andrew. Immediately after we joined with our Anglican and Uniting Church friends on a Walk of Reflection up to the singing ship. We stopped along the way to recite scripture and sung as we walked. This is always a wonderful ecumenical gathering for all who attend.
Three o’clock in the afternoon brought us together for the Passion of the Lord. As we listened to the reading of the Lord’s passion and venerated the Cross, we couldn’t help be moved by Jesus’ great sacrifice and unconditional love for each and every one of us. As we grieve and keep vigil, we know that in three days Jesus will burst from the grave and conquer death forever.
Easter Sunday morning Mass included a baptism for one of our parishioner’s grandchildren – Florence Buckley – daughter of James and Emma. As I was absent on the day, a few parishioners have told me what a beautiful celebration the day held. Fr Andrew even explained to the children present, how a hollow Easter egg signifies the empty tomb of Christ, which had all the children listening in awe. He is Risen!
Mother’s Day
A group of ladies came together to make corsages for the mothers of the parish, which would be handed out at each of the Masses. Thank you, ladies, for your kindness.
Shared Meal
The monthly shared meal was held last Saturday night after 5.15pm Mass. This is always a great time of fellowship for the parishioners who attend. Thank you to the lovely people who set up and pack up afterwards. We do live in a great caring community.
A big Thank You to the grounds people and cleaners who keep both our churches in beautiful condition. Also Thank You to the men and women who take Eucharist to the Housebound and Nursing homes. Your time and talents are greatly appreciated.
KEEP SMILING!! It is contagious.