News from the Capricorn Coast
18 September, 2023
What a joy it was to honour our Fathers on Father’s Day. All fathers were called forward to receive a wooden palm cross and a prayer card. They then remained standing around the altar as Fr Matthew and the remaining parishioners prayed a blessing over them.
It was also a privilege to attend the Farewell Mass and Celebration of the many years of service by the Christian Brothers at St Brendan’s College. Thank you brothers, for all your time, talent and treasure given to our community and all the boys and their families, who passed through the college.
We welcome Fr Terry Loth at this time, who is shepherding our parish while Fr Matthew is on holidays. We pray you enjoy your time with us.
Our monthly Meet in the Middle was held again this morning, and was attended by fifteen parishioners. A lot of chatting was happening around the table and a few laughs as well. We look forward to your company next month on October 9th commencing at 10am at the Waterline Cafe.
Our monthly shared meal was enjoyed by the parishioners at Mary Immaculate Church last Saturday evening and a shared morning tea by the parishioners at Sacred Heart Church last Sunday morning.
Wonderful News
We have one of our parishioners Shane Pianta giving us a brief outline of his coming year.
My name is Shane Pianta, I am 42 years old, a member of the Capricorn Coast Catholic Parish, and I am discerning the vocation of priesthood. No, I didn’t just start discerning this path, it has been a journey of many years. My faith has been an important, central part of my life since I was a child, but I was 19 before I took a more mature, intellectual and in-depth look at the Catholic faith. At age 21 I felt God had called me to celibacy, not something I had in mind at all, but I was gifted with a sense of peace with this calling. When I was in my early 30’s I had been through a number of random jobs and felt like I was drifting a bit after I had felt like God had called me away from a business I had been trying to start, and so I found myself going to a Quo Vadis weekend in Brisbane: a weekend for those enquiring of the vocation of priesthood. I spent a few more days in Brisbane after the weekend to try to sit with this discernment, but I found I was distracted with other interests in life, namely motorcycles, so I left with a thought of “I didn’t feel I had been called to the priesthood, but it wasn’t a closed door.” So I continued on doing various jobs, even starting a trade, still serving in my parish, until about 2020. A friend and I were mountain bike riding when he asked, “Have you thought about the priesthood?” At age 39 I figured that, even if I am not called to the priesthood, I should do some deliberate discernment about my life. So I joined with a few other men in a small discernment program called Malchizedek Project run by Michael Otto, Rockhampton Diocese Vocations Director. I went to another Quo Vadis weekend, where there were a few more steps of assessment and evaluation, more processes of asking questions, seeking answers and learning about me. While some of the steps at times can feel a little tedious or pointless, or frustrating, these steps can be necessary for oneself or for those helping to discern your calling – because discerning a calling to vocation shouldn’t be done alone and indeed there is also a discernment on the part of the Church for priestly vocations. My next stage of discernment will be a little different too, I am about to depart for Valladolid, Spain, where I will be attending the Royal English College of St Alban’s for a Propaedeutic Year. This is a year of formation, prayer and catechesis to help more clearly discern God’s call in my life. Why Spain? A few reasons or factors play into this, such as the specialised structuring of the Propaedeutic Year that the college has, and the opportunity to engage in the wider Catholic faith: historical, cultural and human aspects of the universal church. No, this is not a religious order, and no I don’t have to speak Spanish before arriving as it is an English college. I leave mid-September and will return at the start of July 2024 – the academic year is different in the northern hemisphere. I am grateful for the many prayers that have been said for me by many over the years (and I am sure they will continue during this time), for the support of the Catholic community here in Rockhampton Diocese that has supported me and for this wonderful opportunity to draw closer to our Lord as I seek to do His will. God bless.
We wish you well Shane, and will keep you in our prayers, as you travel this discernment year.
-Cycling without Age continues to share the joy of friendship, new connections, and the beauty of God’s creation along our coastal pathways on the Capricorn Coast. Many parishioners are involved as either volunteers, companions enjoying a ride or by providing donations that enable this life giving project to continue. It is such a joy to share time together, listen to the life stories of others’ whilst experiencing the rejuvenating gift of the great outdoors. In recent weeks turtles and a pod of dolphins have greeted us along the coastal rides!
In addition to rides along the coastal pathways, the team of volunteers visit the local aged care facilities, each month, ensuring that the residents can also enjoy the experience. We have taken over 500 companions for rides to date.
Volunteers love the opportunity to be part of this project either through riding the trishaws, or greeting the companions and enjoying ‘pay it forward’ morning tea provided by generous donations.
This project is testimony to the fact that it is often the simple things in life: sharing time, a sense of gratitude, friendship and enjoying nature that brings great happiness.
If you know anyone who would like a ride please contact us:
• Call 0473538624
• The Bookings tab at
• Email:
• Facebook: Cycling Without Age Yeppoon (inbox for booking)