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News from Rockhampton

22 May, 2024
Some of the Congregation

Pentecost Ecumenical Service 19th May 2024

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Once again, the Churches of Rockhampton gathered at St Joseph’s Cathedral to celebrate the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Members of no less than 10 congregations joined as one holy catholic Church to worship the Lord Jesus Christ, and the empowering of His Spirit upon the early Church.

An impressive choir formed from the combined Churches led the people in an engaging time of worship and praise. This included a special time of praise lead by some brothers from The Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea under the encouragement of Pastor Lenny Yasso.

Rev David Alley, in his homily, exhorted the combined congregation to press deeper into loving each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, and to devote themselves to pray unceasingly for each other; to look beyond denominational distinctions and see each and every Christian/Church as a vital part of the overall body of Christ here in Rockhampton.

The service concluded with a very public display of unity as the shepherds of each participating denomination (pastors and priests) posed for a photo, and then Bishop Michael encouraged the combined congregation to join with them.  This was topped off with a most delightful afternoon of fellowship around the cutting of a celebratory cake and afternoon tea.

Surely, Our Lord God, exceedingly delights when His people gather together as the Church united.

Pastor Mark Chamberlain (Associate Pastor, Rockhampton Baptist Church).