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News from Mackay

11 August, 2022
Tony Vella, guest speaker Ray Borg, and Joe Camilleri

The City Bowls Club was our venue for the Men’s Dinner Club on Monday 25th July. A good roll-up of members enjoyed the location, the meal, the camaraderie, and the presence of another excellent guest speaker Ray Borg. Finance Officer at Francis of Assisi Home.
Chairman Kevin welcomed the guest speaker and noted the apology of four regular members. Then we said our prayer to Mary McKillop. Our Treasurer, Keith, suggested to members we donate to two worthy causes which were agreed to.


The Reflection by Rex

“Stand Firm” is based on the life of Moses and how he persevered despite the contempt of Pharaoh, the stubbornness of the Hebrews, and the criticism of Miran and Aaron, his own family! Later he had to stand firm and persevere despite 10 spies’ negative reports. How did he do it? By faith, he kept his eyes on God, not people. Paul gives us the secret to victory in Ephesians 6:13; …take up the full armour of God…. resist in the evil day…take your stand. When your enemies prosper, the wicked seem to be winning and compromise is so easy, don’t give in to temptation, fear, or other’s opinions. Stand firm, endure, and remember Moses kept his eyes on God and reminded himself that his life purpose was to please the Lord, obey Him, glorify Him and fulfil His will. May we too Stand Firm and please God.


Ray Borg’s address

After the Meal, our Guest Speaker delivered a most interesting talk. Ray lived his childhood in the Innisfail district at Japoonvale. His primary schooling was in this area, he completed his secondary studies when his parents shifted to Brisbane and Ray was able to go to Clairvaux College, a Christian Brothers school at Upper Mt Gravatt. In due course, his parents shifted to Mackay to be with other family members. Ray worked in finance firms and had the desire to study accountancy. Whilst he was at the MEB he was able to complete the course and qualified as an accountant.
Ray was busy with studies and work but was able to meet a local Walkerston girl and got married to Grace, they have two children and six grandchildren.
Armed with the qualification of Accountancy and other finance experience, Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal management employed Ray as their Accountant. In due course, Ray moved on to become the Accountant for Carlisle Motors, Mackay and for many years enjoyed working with this company. At one time he was Manager of the Carlisle Tractors division. After Carlisle was sold, Ray was invited to work at Francis of Assisi Home. He loves working with the sisters and other staff. Ray is involved with the changes by the government that affect Aged Care Homes. His skills are bringing the finance systems up to the level required in the finance world.
Ray is a busy person with a family, work, running, and church.  He also spends time being in Rotary where he has been a Rotarian at Walkerston for 24 years, giving service to the community. He has been the President a few times and is currently Treasurer. Ray also does charity work in the Walkerston area.
What Ray didn’t mention was his involvement in the church. He is one of the cornerstones of our Walkerston Parish. For Mass he has been a reader for over 30 years, he has helped with committees and volunteers whenever possible. Our members certainly enjoyed his company and his talk. Ray answered numerous questions and at the end of the night, he was surrounded by members wanting to talk to him.

The next dinner is on Monday29th August at the City Bowls Club from 6.30 pm to 7 pm start. Visitors and new members are always welcome.