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News from Mackay

19 July, 2021
Sr Lila with friends Rod and Chris Haines at the earlier celebration in Rockhampton

Sr Lila Galvin’s 60th Jubilee Celebration

Sr Lila Galvin celebrated her 60th Jubilee at St Joseph’s Church with her Parish Family 5:30pm, Friday 9th July. Many people gathered for this beautiful celebration, including a very special surprise for Sr Lila was Fr Stephen Hanly who travelled from Melbourne to be there for this special occasion. Fr James Ezeocha concelebrated the Mass with Fr Stephen Hanly, Fr Sijo George, Fr Pat Mooney, Fr Alex Varghese. Most of St Joseph’s choir members formed the huge choir led by Chris Haines (Organ) and Robyn Sheedy (Piano), as well as Anne Borg playing violin.  After Mass everyone gathered in St Joseph’s School Hall to continue the celebration with a light supper and cutting of the cake.

Fr Don’s 60th Birthday Celebration

Fr Don celebrated his 60th birthday.  There was a gathering of Parishioners after the 6.00pm Mass on Sunday 4th July at St Patrick’s Presbytery, complete, of course, with cake.

New assistant priest

The parishioners of the South Mackay cluster of parishes were delighted to welcome Fr Ashwin to serve amongst them.  He will be there until early September when he will then serve in the Gladstone parish.